The Team

A collaboration of conservation partners


We aim to recover Maui’s native forest bird species and their habitats.

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MFBRP has a small year-round staff. Our crew is made up of University of Hawai’i Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit staff, volunteers, and interns.

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While supported by federal and state funding agencies, we still rely heavily on private funds and community support.

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Partnering with organizations within the conservation community and beyond increases our reach and efficiency.

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MFBRP relies on support and assistance from various individuals and businesses in a multitude of capacities. READ MORE


Staff openings, volunteers opportunities, and upcoming internships are updated regularly. READ MORE

Graduate Students

Occasionally, MFBRP is able to help coordinate graduate student projects that help achieve MFBRP project goals and maintains project ideas here. READ MORE

Save the Forest, Save the Birds

It takes a community of dedicated individuals and support to make conservation happen

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You are donating to : Nā Koa Manu Conservation helping MFBRP to protect and recover Mauiʻs forest birds

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