ʻIʻiwi Iron-on Patch

ʻIʻiwi Iron-on Patch


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The ‘i’iwi is a Hawaiian honeycreeper that feeds on the nectar of many native plants. Their feathers were used to make cloaks and crafts for Hawaiian royalty, as they were believed to enhance spiritual power. Today, the ‘i’iwi is in decline. On Kaua’i, the ‘i’iwi population has dropped at least 86% in their core habitat since the year 2000. This alarming trend is due to various factors, including habitat loss and avian malaria. There is a lot of work to be done in order to save this species. These patches were made by the Laulima company.

2.5″ x 2.5″ iron-on patch

You are donating to : Nā Koa Manu Conservation helping MFBRP to protect and recover Mauiʻs forest birds

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