Donate your Hawaiian Miles to the MFBRP, a participating charity in Hawaiian Airlines “Give Wings to Great Causes.” Help us spread the word and coordinate with partners on neighbor islands!
MFBRP is more than just a small staff. We could not operate at the scale we do without the help of dedicated volunteers and supporters. Our family grows every time people volunteer and collaborate with us.
Attend one of our events to learn more about Maui’s native forest birds and the work that we do to recover their populations and habitat. Shop for your favorite bird themed items to help support our work.
Hawaiʻi is a hotspot of biodiversity with a wide variety of endemic plant and animal species. Many of the threats our native birds face also affect other native species. While most of the work being done is funded by federal and state agencies and public support, some funds also come from private donations. Simply the ongoing conservation efforts cannot be done without public support. Donate
We have regular needs for office and outreach materials, field consumables, and replacing field gear. The wilderness is hard on our gear! Read more
Another way to donate is through the donation of Stocks. Click here for more information on Stock Donation to Nā Koa Manu Conservation to help save the birds. Donate Stock To Support The Birds.
It takes a community of dedicated individuals and support to make conservation happen